2nd Graders Experience Safety Day

2nd Graders Experience Safety Day
Posted on 05/16/2024
Safety Day Group Picture

2nd Graders Experience Safety Day with Washington County Extension


125 Stewart Elementary second graders participated in the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day held on Thursday, May 9 hosted by Washington County Extension and Outreach.  Special guest speakers helped make the day possible:  Washington County Dispatch, Washington Fire Department, WCDC, Washington YMCA, Washington County Hospitals and Clinics, Washington FFA,  Model Train Club, and Washington County Extension and Outreach/4-H.


Students were able to experience and review a variety of safety topics throughout the day in small groups and hands-on sessions.   Youth received a free Progressive Agriculture Safety t-shirt. 


This SAFETY learning happened today:

  • Germ Spread (science experiment to see how quickly invisible germs spread to lots of people)
  • Poison Look-a-Likes (do not eat or drink things that are unmarked; students then observed candy vs. medicine to detect which was the danger)
  • Fire Safety (have a safe spot designated outside the home, stop/drop/roll, firefighters use teamwork)
  • Disability Awareness (practiced sign language, used walking stick and wheel chairs, with gloves tried fine motor daily activities like buttons)
  • Basic first aid care (built personal first aid kits to take home)
  • Home Alone Safety (knowing how to be safe when home alone)
  • Pool Safety (rules of the pool and why they matter)
  • Sun Safety (made UV bead bracelets that change colors when UV rays are damaging skin and learned that we should cover up, seek shade, and wear sunscreen)
  • Train Safety (safety at railroad crossings)
  • Animal Safety (how to approach animals and behave around animals)


Washington County Extension & Outreach offers additional activities for youth this summer through 4-H, clover kids and Clover University summer day camps.  Contact the Extension Office at 319-653-4811 for more information.